Retrieve spectra using Simple Spectral Access protocol

This notebook is one of a set produced by NAVO to demonstrate data access with python tools.

In this notebook, we show how to search for and retrieve spectra from VO services using the Registry and the Simple Spectral Access (SSA) protocol.

Finding available Spectral Access Services

First, we find out what spectral access services ('ssa') are available in the Registry offering x-ray data.

We can look at only the Chandra entry:

Chandra Spectrum of Delta Ori

Getting the list of spectra.

Accessing one of the spectra.

Simple example of plotting a spectrum

This can then be analyzed in your favorite spectral analysis tool, e.g., pyXspec. (For the winter 2018 AAS workshop, we demonstrated this in a notebook that you can consult for how to use pyXspec, but the pyXspec documentation will have more information.)